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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Sejarah : Two months Merauke

In Merauke I only lived two months, and during those two months I am still 6 weeks journey. But more on that later.
During the months of July, August is the dry season in Merauke. The roads are paved and nowhere consist dusty washboards, you rattle on every trip back all together.
Merauke is located in the south of New Guinea, close to the border with Papua Guinea.
It is as flat as in the Netherlands, which is not strange because it is the delta of the rivers that water the mountains, in the middle of New Guinea, to the south drains.
many swamps, so mosquitoes, and clay.
It is especially hot and there is not much to do.

The road to the beach
You can go to the beach, but it was not really fun. The beach is sandy, slightly greyish in color, but you can not swim. The water comes up to your knees until your hips and sometimes for miles. That can burn you and that I have done the first day, as red as a lobster.
The beach
You can still have fish, not with a rod but with a trawl. A very long, just a meter thick. It will be on a 300 m from the shore, and is then rolled pulled in the direction of the beach. Close to the beach is just closed and the fish pulled the country. The fish that I remember were small troughs (80 cm wide), with spine, and small sharks.
You can view the carcasses of planes that are left after the war, but then you had it.
My brother and sister in the cockpit
At night, the locals on deer hunting. Once it has been here for deer but caused by lack of great hunters, are nowhere in New Guinea for, it's become a pest. The hunt is simple. You take a truck or Land Rover, you put a few lights on it and you take and rifle. You drive the plain, overgrown with tall grass, in, put spotlight on and the deer, who are blinded will wait until they get shot.
'morning at 8 am is there a deer meat market on the dock of the port. Beautiful deer steaks a kilo or three for 1 florin, no money.
In the traditional Dutch holidays looks like Netherlands, as shown in the following pictures.

Koekhappen on Queen

arrival of Sinterklaas in Merauke
After a week in Merauke my sister and I go with my dad on tour. Six weeks with a boat south of New Guinea. To the Asmat where the headhunters live.

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Artikel Sejarah : Two months Merauke ini diposting oleh Portal Berita Merauke pada hari Tuesday, 27 November 2012. Radar Merauke menyajikan informasi terkini tentang berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi di kota Merauke dan wilayah Papua Selatan umumnya. Kritik dan saran dapat anda sampaikan melalui kotak komentar. Copyright berita dalam site ini milik pemilik berita: Kompas, Cenderawasihpos, Tabloid Jubi, Jaringan Pasificpost, Infopublik, Jaringan JPNN dll. Radar Merauke adalah web personal yang merangkum berita dari berbagai media.
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Radar Merauke menyajikan informasi terkini tentang berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi di kota Merauke dan wilayah Papua Selatan umumnya. Copyright berita dalam site ini milik pemilik berita: Kompas, Bintang Papua, Cenderawasihpos, Tabloid Jubi, Jaringan Pasificpost, Infopublik, suluhpapua, Jaringan JPNN dll. Radar Merauke adalah web personal yang merangkum berita dari berbagai media.